
Standing with Endurance and Perseverance By Mary McCave

Endurance refers to withstanding hardships, obstacles and fatigue in your life without giving up. Perseverance is the persistence to continue working towards a goal. In this article I would like to share that if we are going to stand each and everyday for Yahweh, we must do both. We don’t give up and we keep persisting until we reach our goal, which is eternal life.

Six Questions That Cause People To Doubt – Psalm 77 by Mary McCave

Psalm 77 is unique in that it shows the Psalmist, Asaph in a terrible conflict within himself, what causes that conflict, and then the solution of deliverance. This is all in the first 15 verses of the Psalm. 

Getting Out Of The Fog by Mary McCave

We must keep our focus on what is ahead of us so we don’t quit.

Have Courage by Mary McCave

Courage is not an absence of fear, but rather, when you have fear in a situation, fear that you can feel in the pit of your stomach, and despite that fear, you move past it and act! That is courage.

Speak The Word: Share What God Has Done For You! By Mary McCave

Staying Within Boundaries: Boundaries, while similar to borders, define a space. Boundaries also refer to limits of any space or concept, including personal contexts. Boundaries are flexible, whereas borders are not. Boundaries set the limits in relationships and behaviors. Read More

The Stability Of Our Times: Isaiah 33:5,6 The LORD is exalted; for he dwelleth on high: he hath filled Zion with judgment and righteousness. And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure. Read more…

God Requires Obedience: Almighty God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, requires very little from mankind. There is a specific thing that He really does want, however. He told it to Adam clearly and succinctly. Read more… Read Pdf….

The Sufferings of Jesus Christ: Our Lord Jesus Christ did the will of God. That is what he came to do. The account of the last forty hours of our Lord’s life is probably the most written about and the most detailed section in God’s Word. It is so needful for us to understand this incredible period of time as it is presented in the Scriptures. Read more…

A Study of Psalm 23: The 23rd Psalm is a beautiful example of the loving care God has for His people. As we study this beautiful Psalm, we will better understand the true nature of our God. Read more…

The Greatest Thing in the World (PDF*): Everyone has asked himself the great question of antiquity as of the modern world: What is the summum bonum―the supreme good? You have life before you. Once only you can live it. What is the noblest object of desire, the supreme gift to covet? Read more…

The Lion Of Judah The Significance of The Tribe Of Judah by – Iris Jumper Read more…

The Example and Commitment of Paul the Apostle: The scriptures teach us that there are two men in the New Testament that are our examples. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, who we are told that we are to walk in his steps. Read more…

Stay focused on Yahweh! By Dwayne Kerr: It can be increasingly difficult to stay focused on Yahweh with all of the noise and distractions that life can bring. We want to serve and live for Yahweh, but oftentimes we become sidetracked for a variety of reasons (financial difficulties, illness, marital issues, work-related problems..etc.). Read more….

Los Sufrimientos De Jesucristo Por John J. McCave: Nuestro Señor Jesucristo hizo la voluntad de Dios. Eso es lo que vino a hacer. El relato de las últimas cuarenta horas de la vida de nuestro Señor probablemente es la sección sobre la cual más se ha escrito y la más detallada de la Palabra de Dios. Es muy necesario que comprendamos este increíble período de tiempo tal como se presenta en las Escrituras. Sigue Leyendo…

Spanish Articles

PDF Format – Por Eduardo Gonzalez

  1. Pasos hacia la Salvación
  2. Como fue que Recibimos La Palabra De Dios
  3. Jesucristo El Mismo Ayer, y Hoy y Por Los Siglos